On the 26th and 27th of February SILKNOW held its second meeting in Bled, Slovenia. It was hosted by JSI.  In order to open the session, SILKNOW held a workshop with its EEAB, where the project was presented demonstrating the importance of protecting silk heritage for Europeans citizens. Also, it was a great opportunity to show the highlights of SILKNOW such as the thesaurus or the Virtual Loom.

Members of the EAB present during this workshop:  Marie-Véronique Leroi (French Minister of Culture and Communication), Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Pierre Guérin (Generalitat Valenciana), Sílvia Saladrigas (CDMT Terrassa), Marco Rendina (European Fashion Heritage Association), Ana Cabrera (Museo del Traje, Madrid) For two days the project members showed the progress made in each work package, demonstrating the ability to operate in an interdisciplinary environment. Likewise, SILKNOW began to prepare the project review that will take place in June in Madrid.

SILKNOW and Fashion

Silk had been part of European creativity from its beginning.  Even though, we tend to think in silk as a luxurious item from a distant past, it is a very much alive heritage present in today’s fashion designers and their creations. In order to demonstrate so, SILKNOW lunched an international campaign with professional models and international designers such as Francis Montesinos. This editorial was recorded in Garin 1820, a fabric that still weaves with the ancient techniques.